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The Political lobbying process can be best described as an ongoing targeted strategy that needs constant evaluation to achieve a clearly defined set of objectives. It is far more than just having articles in Industry magazines, it is about timing, leverage and influence with the key decision makers who determine policy outcomes that directly affects the lives of Advisers and consumers.

The AIOFP is inviting the entire Advice community, whether AIOFP members or not to consider participating in all or part of our Adviser Political Strategy [APS] framework to consolidate and accelerate our rising influence in Canberra. It is time for the Advice community to put petty industry politics aside and focus on what can be achieved leading into the 2025 Federal election.

As we have recently suggested, the Fadden by – election result is an encouraging outcome for the Advice community but it is only the first step of a process we all need to participate in to get desired policy outcomes over the next 18 months.

The most politically powerful weapon the Advice community has in its armoury are their clients and the commercial/political relationship Advisers have with them, that’s what all politicians now fear and underestimated leading into the 2022 election.

It should be clearly understood that our 2022 Kooyong marginal seat strategy and outcome has unsettled Canberra, what should be noted however is it can be used in any seat and against any Political Party at the time of our choosing. This is what disturbs all sides of politics, it is therefore critical to continue with subtle posturing to remind and intimidate all stakeholders of our power. This document is fundamentally part of that process.


Prime facie the political positioning of the AIOFP looked ‘over – weight’ ALP over the past 5 years which is a fair assessment, but we had no choice. The Liberals had an immoveable and uncompromising adviser culling agenda against the Advice community led by the Frydenberg faction. With Frydenberg’s political demise and the now realisation by senior Liberals of their past mistakes we will seek dialogue with the Coalition leading into our November 2023 Canberra Conference.

The AIOFP role is to develop and maintain relationships with key people in Government and equally as important those in Treasury who assist and research decision making rationale. This is the engine room of Government that drives policy direction and the AIOFP has a seat at this powerful table for the first time in its 25 – year history. It should be noted that the Frydenberg faction rarely used the very impressive resources of Treasury during their last tyrannical reign of decision making, why? –  their entire agenda was already decided upon in 2014, they simply wanted to cull Advisers to please their donors.


The AIOFP has sought advice on the most efficient political framework leading into the 2025 election to get the best results for the Advice Community, please consider the following –

  1. The very first step is to seek direction from Advisers on the 5 most important issues they want resolved or introduced over the next 18 months. This will be done by a survey within 30 days.
  2. Once this LIST OF DEMANDS [LOD] is agreed upon it can then be used by all Advisers to engage with their clients on how they will benefit from its direction. Keeping clients informed and engaged is critical to the overall strategy.
  3. Advisers should then engage with their local Federal member at their electoral office with the LOD in hand delivering a powerful consistent message around the nation backed by clients.
  4. We will then use the LOD at the November AIOFP Canberra conference to put it directly to the Minister and Shadow Spokesperson seeking their position and support on what the Advice community and their clients want.
  5. Advisers support of an ‘election fund’ will greatly assist our political standing in Canberra, the fact that we have one [regardless of its known content] will intimidate.

This strategic direction will put pressure on all sides of politics leading into the 2025 election to listen and act on what the Advice community and their clients want or suffer the consequences. It is important our narrative emphasises Advisers are consumer centric and always acting in their best interests.


An example of an AIOFP influenced political outcome is The Education Pathway 10 year rule development and political reaction. We successfully negotiated the need for this legislation with then Shadow Spokesperson Jones, it was announced at our 2021 Hunter Valley Conference and the Coalition Government matched it within 36 hours. It is now predicted to pass into legislation shortly. This all happened within 18 months of the 2022 election, a similar time frame and theme is planned for 2025.

Please also be assured the AIOFP will always act in the best interests of its members and their clients without fear or favour, if that means going against the current Government on issues, then so be it.


Canberra now fears the political force of the Advice community and its relationship with consumers. Our 15,000 Advisers and 3 million clients represent around 17% of the voting population, a significant and intimidating force when you consider the average margin in all seats is around 12%.

At the end of the day no Politician wants to lose their seat or the power of Government, when effectively organised the Advice community has the power to make a real difference to policy direction and who is in power.

We encourage all members to approach non – members to participate in this political strategy by forwarding this email to all interested parties.

Effective political lobbying is not about headlines/articles in industry magazines, clients or Politicians rarely read them. It is all about influencing the key decision makers who research, recommend and approve policy outcomes, a function normally performed behind closed doors in Canberra.

The AIOFP is at the zenith of its powers to make a difference for all Advisers.



Peter Johnston | Executive Director

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